• AWBI Dog Breeder Registration Number - MAWB/PS/143/2022

Siberian Husky Puppies For Sale In Pune

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Want to Purchase Siberian Husky Puppies?

Siberian Husky

When it comes to having a dog that steals all attention whenever you take it out in public, there is hardly any breed that can beat a Siberian Husky! You must have noticed Huskies deservedly getting all the affection and attention of fellow pet lovers whenever they are taken out for a stroll by their owners.

If you think you can handle the fame and attention that comes with owning a Husky, we provide you with some of the most beautiful and healthy Siberian Husky puppies in Pune. We make available Siberian Huskies that are bred healthily and raised in a conducive environment. You can obtain all relevant information about the options available by making a simple inquiry with us and we will make all necessary arrangements for you to take a Siberian Husky home.

All the puppies that we make available for you will be provided at the best Siberian Husky price in Pune. Although Huskies are slightly more expensive than most breeds of dogs, you can rest assured that we would not charge you anything more than what is absolutely necessary. All we are looking for are pet lovers who can take care of the puppies in the best way possible.

Before discussing the benefits of taking Siberian Husky home, let us brief you a little about the breed and get you started.

If you are willing to obtain more specific information about the breed of Huskies and the puppies available with us, you can reach out to us and we will be happy to provide you with all relevant answers that make your search easier. Our Contact Number is 9168044651

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A Little Introduction About Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky is a medium-sized breed of working sled dogs. Belonging to the genetic Spitz family, the dogs are recognized by their thick and furry double-coats, straight triangular ears, and distinctive markings on their coat giving them a wolf-like look.

Originally bred for working in packs and puling light loads in the snow, Siberian Husky is a breed with high endurance. They have a gracious look about themselves that is enhanced by their brown or blue almond-shaped eyes, often giving them a keen but mischievous expression. Huskies are also known for their powerful gait that looks elegant and effortless.

While male Huskies are 21 to 23.5 inches tall and weigh 45 to 60 pounds, their female counterparts are 20 to 22 inches tall and weigh 35 to 50 pounds. Overall, Huskies are considered lovable, mischievous, and outgoing dogs that are suitable for being kept as domestic pets in a region like India, provided they are maintained with utmost care and precision by their owners.

Breed Name Siberian Husky
Origin United Kingdom and Canada
Breed Group Sporting Group
Height Male: 23 – 25 inches (57 – 62 cm) Female: 22 – 24 inches (55 – 60 cm)
Weight Male: 29 – 36 kg Female: 25 – 32 kg
Lifespan 10 – 14 Years
Gentle, Even Tempered, Kind, Intelligent, Kid, Friendly, Easy to train
Apartment Friendly 
Price  35, 000 – 80, 000

If you need any more information about German Shepherds or want to get your queries answered about the same, we will provide you with all relevant information and assistance that would answer all your questions. just Connect at - 9168044651

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Benefits Of Bringing A Siberian Husky Home

If you still find yourself on the fence about bringing a Siberian Husky home, you might want to have a look at some of the key benefits you can avail of by becoming a Husky parent.

They Are Immensely Appealing To Look At!

Let us get the most obvious reason out of the way first. Very few breeds of dogs possess the elegance and visual appeal like that of a Siberian Husky. Once you own a Husky, you will never have to make an effort to pull people’s attention towards you and your beautiful dog, whether you take it out for a walk in the park or to visit a group of friends.

The glacial blue eyes, thick and neat double coat, and inherently joyful demeanor make it really difficult to keep one’s eyes off the pet!

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They Are Extremely Intelligent

German Shepherds are an ideal example of beauty with brains. They are highly intelligent as a breed and have brilliant grasping powers, making them quick learners. You can rest assured that will not have to spend much time training your pet even some of the most intricate tricks and commands. They would naturally follow all your commands and learn new skills with utmost ease and precision.

It is their intelligence and a powerful sense of smell that has earned German Shepherds an important position in the police department for detecting and following criminals.

Agreeable And Outgoing Personality

Siberian Husky is a breed where good looks complement a good personality. Huskies are fairly agreeable and outgoing in nature, making it easy to stay with them and spend time without any hassle. They are friendly, gentle, and easygoing dogs who do not hesitate to make new friends.

Once you bring a Siberian Husky home, it wouldn’t take much time to make itself feel comfortable and get used to being around you and your family. It will rapidly adapt to its new home and adjust to its surroundings without making a fuss about it.

They Are Economical To Maintain

Siberian Huskies were bred to work on a minimal amount of food and water. This has made the breed functional on a fairly lesser diet as compared to other dogs. You would never find a Husky willing to eat more food and asking you to keep feeding them even after they are full. They have limited dietary needs that can be fulfilled without the owner having to spend a fortune on the same.

However, it is important to note that a Siberian Husky would still need a balanced diet rich in protein and fat to stay healthy and function well. Always make sure that your pet is not deprived of food or water, especially if you are taking care of a Husky in India.

They Are Sociable Dogs

With Huskies, you will never have to worry about them getting nervous or unnecessarily aggressive when they encounter strangers. They are fairly sociable dogs that get along well with almost everyone. Although it may take a while for them to get used to being around someone they don’t know, they would start getting comfortable if the person makes a friendly gesture and shows genuine affection towards them.

Just like their attitude towards humans, Huskies are sociable with other pets as well. If you are planning to bring a Husky home to other pets, you can rest assured that it would not cause any ruckus with the pets and would live peacefully with everyone in the family.

Huskies Are Full Of Energy

A Siberian Husky would never spend its day sitting in a corner of your house doing nothing. They are highly energetic dogs who love going outdoors and indulging in physical activities.

If you are planning to get up early in the morning to go for a walk or a run, your pet would be more than happy to join you and engage in all sorts of physical activities with you. Their energetic and athletic nature makes them ideal companions for a hike, trek, or camping expedition, especially when the weather is on the colder side.

They Are Not Clingy Pets

A Husky is mature enough to understand the concept of personal space and would never be an intrusion into your privacy. They are independent free-spirited dogs that like having their own space and giving their owners a space of their own.

However, this does not mean they are not affectionate towards their owners. While they will always stay loyal and affectionate towards you, Huskies would not tend to cling to you while you go about doing your daily chores. They do not actively seek attention and are often happy in their own personal space.

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They Are Clean And Odourless Dogs

One of the major advantages of having a Siberian Husky as a pet is the fact that they are fairly clean and odorless. Whenever there is a Husky around, you will not have the typical dog odor in the room. Also, the breed likes to keep itself clean by tending to their coats and licking themselves clean. Unlike most dogs, you will not have to worry about your Husky getting dirty after playing in the mud or digging a hole.

Siberian Husky dog For Sale in pune
Siberian Husky puppies For Sale in pune

That is all that you need to know about Huskies and their attributes before going ahead and bringing one of the puppies home. All you need to do is connect with us and we will take care of the rest so that you can start preparing for the grand welcome! Lets Connect on 9168044651

Important Considerations Before Buying A Siberian Husky

After having a look at the benefits of becoming a Husky parent, here are some of the most important considerations to keep in mind before going ahead with the purchase:

They Tend To Escape Frequently

As obedient as they are, Huskies have a reputation of escaping frequently, especially during their initial days in a new home. This is partly because of their overly dynamic and outgoing nature. A Husky will always be curious as to what is going on outside and would escape through the smallest route possible.

Strong Predatory Instincts

Although they are sociable towards other pets, Huskies have fairly strong predatory instincts. They have a natural tendency to pounce on smaller animals if they are not trained well to behave in a calm and composed manner. It is, therefore, always advisable to train a Husky since it is a puppy to curb its predatory instincts and keep them away from smaller animals when you take them out for a stroll.

The Need To Exercise

If you are someone who is a couch potato and doesn’t like to go out and indulge in physical activities, it is important to note that a Husky needs its daily dose of exercise. Their build and energetic nature demand a sufficient amount of exercise on a daily basis. Always make sure that you (or any of your friends/family members) take a Husky out for a walk at least twice a day and indulge it in physical activities on a frequent basis.

Frequently Asked Questions About Siberian Husky Puppies in Pune