• AWBI Dog Breeder Registration Number - MAWB/PS/143/2022

Rottweiler Dog For Sale In India

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Rottweiler Dog Price In India: What Should You Pay For A Rottweiler Puppy?

If you are searching for an online pet store to purchase Rottweiler Puppies in India at Reasonable price Range, then Premium Pet House is Perfect Destination.

Excellent quality Rottweiler puppies for sale in Jaipur. Both puppies are vaccinated.
Price 27,000
Location Jaipur - India
Contact 9168044651
Sex Male and Female
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Doorstep Delivery Available
40 days old, purebred Rottweiler puppy for sale in Surat -India. Give your order online.
Price 30,000
Location Surat - India
Contact 9168044651
Sex Male
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Doorstep Delivery Available
Buy Heavy bone, super quality Rottweiler puppy online from Goa with full pet guidance
Price 32000
Location Goa- India
Contact 9168044651
Sex Male and Female
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Doorstep Delivery Available
Playful, adaptive Rottweiler puppy ready for sale in Vizag. KCI registered puppy.
Price 37,000
Location Vizag - India
Contact 9168044651
Sex Female
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Doorstep Delivery Available
Trainable, super smart Rottweiler puppies for sale in Mumbai within your budget.Highly recommended breed.
Price 40,000
Location Mumbai - India
Contact 9168044651
Sex Male and Female
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Doorstep Delivery Available
Gentle, easy to train Rottweiler puppies for sale online in Kolkata. Free vet checkup.
Price 49,000
Location Kolkata - India
Contact 9168044651
Sex Male and Female
Book Now
Doorstep Delivery Available

Have you seen the “strong silent type” characters in movies? They have their own charm and appeal. In the canine world, Rottweilers carry the same charm! These furry friends are calm and confident without knowing any fear. They turn into fierce beasts while protecting their loved ones.

At the same time, Rottweiler dogs have hearts of gold. It is difficult to find dogs that are more loyal than these furry friends. Once your Rottweiler gets comfortable with you, it won’t think twice before jumping into danger just to keep you safe! If you want such a strong bond with your pet, start by knowing the best Rottweiler dog price in India.

Premium Pet House has got your back! We have healthy Rottweiler puppies for sale in India for all dog lovers. Irrespective of where you live, you can buy a Rottie puppy from us. We are certified and reputed dog breeders with years of professional experience. With us, you will always get a healthy Rottweiler puppy and a team that supports you at every step.

Before you pick up your phone and call us, allow us to provide you with details about the current price of a Rottweiler dog in India.

Have a glimpse of the content to follow:

What Is The Rottweiler Dog Price In India?

The Rottweiler dog price in India ranges from INR 25,000 to INR 95,000. Many factors influence this price, such as coat color, lineage, age, vaccination, location, etc.

Premium Pet House acknowledges these factors and gives you the best Rottweiler puppy price in the country. We will just need your preferences about the puppy to give you personalized quotes. You can choose the Rottie you like the most and we will send it to you in no time. You can also visit our breeding farms and see how our ethical breeders nurture every Rottweiler dog.

Buy your Rottweiler puppy today and make your life a fun adventure! Call us at 9168044651

Rottweiler female Puppy Price In India Rottweiler puppy for sale in India Rottweiler male puppy price In India Rottweiler Dog Puppies for sale in India

What Is The Cost Of Maintaining A Rottweiler Dog?

Once you bring your Rottweiler puppy home, you will be spending some additional money to nurture it. Here are the most common maintenance expenses for a Rottweiler in India:

Feeding Expenses

A Rottweiler parent spends around INR 3,000 to INR 5,000 to feed their pet. Rottweilers are energetic dogs and need a healthy diet every day. Buy only high-quality food and treats for your furry friend.

Grooming Expenses

Grooming your Rottweiler will cost you around INR 1,000 to INR 3,000. You can also buy a grooming kit worth INR 1,000 to INR 2,000. Rottweilers do not have long and furry coats, making it easy to groom them. You may not need a groomer’s help if you maintain your pet’s grooming routine.

Training Expenses

Providing basic training to a Rottweiler in India can cost you anywhere between INR 5,000 and INR 10,000. Socialization is extremely important and you may need a professional trainer for the same. Enrolling in dedicated socialization courses can cost you over INR 20,000.

Vet Expenses

Taking your Rottweiler to a vet for a routine checkup will cost you INR 1,500 to INR 3,000. The cost of a vaccine dose is also more or less the same. Treatments like neutering and deworming will cost you an additional INR 500 to INR 1,500.

Toys And Accessories Expenses

Buying chew toys, soft toys, and other accessories for a Rottweiler can cost you anywhere between INR 3,000 and INR 6,000. You can also spend more if you want to get your pet some fancy items! Premium Pet House sells pet products like collars, leashes, feeding bowls, harnesses, beds, grooming kits, and much more at affordable rates.

Which Factors Affect The Rottweiler Dog Price In India?

Different factors contribute to the final Rottweiler price you pay. Here are a few of them:

Coat Color

Most Rottweilers have tan, black, and mahogany coat colors. Puppies with generic coat colors are often cheaper than exclusive ones. Buying a Rottweiler with a rare color will cost you more (if other factors remain constant).

Breeder Reputation

The reputation of the breeder selling a Rottweiler will also find its way into the puppy’s price. Reputed breeders often charge more for the guarantee of their services. This is not the case with Premium Pet House. Our team has reputed Rottweiler breeders in India who do not charge more just because they can!


Older Rottweilers are cheaper than younger puppies. However, as a Rottweiler dog ages, it becomes difficult to control or train. Younger Rottweilers are always in high demand, making them expensive.

Health Certification

Certified puppies are often more expensive than the rest because of the service offered by dog breeders. It is advisable to purchase KCI-certified Rottweiler puppies to ensure authenticity.


Many breeders sell vaccinated puppies at a slightly higher price. These professionals charge more for their additional services. If you do not want to make multiple vet visits to vaccinate your Rottweiler, you can pay more to buy a vaccinated puppy.

Rottweiler Dog Prices In Major Indian Cities

Depending on where you are, you may see minor variations in the Rottweiler dog price in India. Here is how much these furry friends will cost you in different Indian cities:

Rottweiler dog price in Mumbai: INR 25,000 to INR 95,000

Rottweiler dog price in Delhi: INR 25,000 to INR 95,000

rottweiler price in pune / rottweiler breeder in pune : INR 25,000 to INR 95,000

Rottweiler dog price in Chennai: INR 25,000 to INR 80,000

Rottweiler dog price in Kolkata: INR 25,000 to INR 90,000

Rottweiler dog price in Ahmedabad: INR 25,000 to INR 80,000

Rottweiler dog price in Hyderabad: INR 25,000 to INR 85,000

Rottweiler dog price in Bangalore: INR 25,000 to INR 95,000

Rottweiler dog price in Goa: INR 25,000 to INR 95,000

Rottweiler dog price in Kolhapur: INR 25,000 to INR 80,000

Why Should You Buy A Rottweiler Puppy In India?

Fearless Guards

Rottweilers know no fear. They are steady and fearless guards who will tackle any danger coming your way. Safety should be your last concern as a Rottweiler parent in India!

Calm Dogs

Despite being powerful and confident, Rottweilers are calm and composed. You will rarely find your pet barking incessantly for no reason. The only times your Rottie will bark is when it wants to alert you or when it is hungry.

High On Energy

If you lack excitement in your daily life, a Rottweiler will bring the much-needed spark! These furry friends are powerhouses of energy who brighten up people’s lives. You will always be up for some fun adventure with a Rottweiler around!

Eager To Please

Your Rottweiler will always want to see you happy. Such eagerness to please makes training these puppies easier. Start early and you will see impressive results.

Friendly With Children

Rottweilers love kids. This is a great breed to buy if the kids in your house are older than five. They will have a ball playing with your Rottie puppy!

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