• AWBI Dog Breeder Registration Number - MAWB/PS/143/2022
How To Travel With Your Puppy: Tips And Tricks

How To Travel With Your Puppy: Tips And Tricks

Traveling with your loved ones is always fun. So, why limit your loved ones to your friends and family members? If you are a pet parent, you can always take your furry friend out for a refreshing trip! This will not only be a beautiful bonding session but also a mental health detox for you and your little companion!

Most dogs like traveling. As long as they are taken care of, they like accompanying their pet parents on fun adventures. Having said that, if you are yet to buy a puppy, it is always better to ask the breeders whether you can take it with you on short trips. For example, Golden Retrievers love joining their pet parents for trips. So, if you are looking for Golden Retriever puppies for sale in India, you may want to take some travel tips from breeders to make your trips memorable.

In this blog, we will discuss basic dog travel tips that apply to all major breeds. Whether you are already a pet parent or are planning to get yourself a furry friend, these tips and tricks will enhance your traveling experience:

Check Your Pet’s Health

Before you head out on your trip, ensure that your puppy is healthy and suitable for traveling. Make a quick visit to a vet and have your furry friend checked up thoroughly. Inform the healthcare professional about the trip and the location you will be traveling to. If there are any special considerations, note them down and keep them in mind during the trip. You wouldn’t want your pooch to fall ill in the middle of an exciting trip.

Give Your Pup An ID Tag

Never leave your house with your pet without an ID tag for your furry friend. Put a tag on your pet’s collar with its name and, if possible, add your contact details, too. If your pet goes astray during your trip, this tag will help strangers identify it and approach you before it is too late.

Train Your Furry Friend

Even if your puppy is trained, it may need a little crash course before you leave for your trip. Bring a professional trainer on board to give your furry friend some essential obedience and socialization training. When you travel, your pet is likely to meet many strangers. Especially if you have a breed like Pitbull, Rottweiler, or Pomeranian, you would want your pooch to behave cordially around people it is not familiar with.

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Pack The Essentials

Traveling with a puppy is just like traveling with a toddler. You need to pack all the essentials before you leave your house. Ensure that you have enough kibble and treats for your little companion. It is also important to carry sufficient water to keep your furry friend dehydrated. If you do not have one, get a portable water bowl for your pet.

Along with the essentials, also pack your pooch’s favorite toys. They will keep it occupied and mentally stimulated throughout the trip. Just like a human kid, you can calm your puppy with its favorite toys whenever things go out of hand.

Carry First Aid Kit

If nothing else, at least carry a basic first aid kit for your pet while traveling. This will keep it safe and prepare you to tackle immediate medical emergencies if they arise. It is also advisable to have the contact details of multiple vets before you leave. If needed, you can give them a (video or audio) call to look after your furry friend’s health.

Choose A Comfortable Carrier

If you plan on putting your puppy in a carrier, make sure you choose a comfortable one. Whether you are planning to drive or take any other mode of transport, ensure your pet’s safety by picking the most comfortable and sturdy carrier. Test the carrier multiple times before you leave the house and keep an extra one handy.

Take Breaks

Continuous journeys are not the best when you are traveling with a puppy. Take regular breaks in between, ideally every two to three hours. During these breaks, you can see if your pet needs to pee, eat, or drink water. You may also walk your puppy during this time to meet its daily exercise needs. If you are planning a trip with your pet, it is better to have enough time at hand.

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Play Soothing Music

This may sound like a trivial trip but it helps a lot. It is common for dogs to panic or get uncomfortable while traveling long distances in cars. If you are driving your little companion, put on soothing music throughout your trip. This will calm your furry friend and prevent any unnecessary hindrances along the way.

Check What You Feed Your Pet Before The Trip

Feeding your pet a heavy meal right before the trip is a bad idea. While traveling on an empty stomach is also not advisable, ensure that your pet has some time to digest its food before you head out. Even when you feed your pooch during breaks, limit the portions and do not go overboard with the kibble. It is always better to feed your pet slightly less than what it eats at home.

Look For Pet-friendly Lodging

To avoid any last-minute hassles, ensure that the places you stay at are pet-friendly. Also, check the amenities the location provides to make the stay comfortable for your furry friend.


Become A Responsible Pet Parent; Buy Your Puppy From Premium Pet House

If you are yet to become a pet parent, Premium Pet House helps you become a responsible one. From planning fun trips with your furry friend to taking good care of it throughout its life, our dog breeders will guide you with everything. Whether you are a first-time pet parent or not, all our services are designed to make your journey as a pet parent fulfilling. We not only sell healthy puppies but also provide valuable information to our clients across India.